Don’t get ‘spooked’ this Halloween
Of all the frights that can startle you this Halloween, cybersecurity doesn’t need to be one of them. With just a week to go before Halloween, C3 is urging clients to avoid any unwanted frights!
Cybersecurity needs to be at the forefront of any businesses mind today, and often it is not, and this is why more and more attacks are occurring. Cybercrime is at an all-time high, most recently hundreds of Northern Ireland businesses have been attacked and £100’s of thousands of fraudulent payments made. Are you secure? Cybersecurity can be terrifying, don’t let yourself get spooked!
With the right IT provider, we can have you secure in just seconds…with the wrong one, your systems and data are wide open for attack. At C3 we have a cybersecurity strategy for every one of our clients, why? At C3, we’re big on security. Forget Batman and Robin, C3 have a whole team fighting crime…cybercrime.
Whose keeping an eye on your network?
If you’re not keeping a watchful eye on your network’s health and security, you’re HIGH RISK. Maybe you’re paying an IT consultant to perform regular maintenance on your network? Chances are they aren’t, and in actual fact choose to provide only reactive support – in other words, just reacting when something goes wrong. At C3 prevention is key. Proactive monitoring and maintenance exorcises the demons hiding in your network!
At C3 we know you’re so busy running your business that you don’t have time to worry about this. However, it’s not a matter of if; it’s WHEN a disaster happens, what are you willing to risk? Forget the cost it will take to restore your network to normal, it’s the irreplaceable data you may lose, and not to mention the hours of downtime.
C3 offer clients easy and affordable fully managed iSupport, giving you complete peace of mind that we are watching your network 24/7, 365 days a year, guaranteed!
No more excuses!
Don’t be scared this Halloween, check out the C3 FREE Health Check and banish the skeletons hiding in your closet.